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A Discussion on the Trinity & Unitarianism

Five Major Problems With The Trinity - by Sean Finnegan

Trinity History before Nicea (325)

The Lost Early History of Unitarian Christian Theology - by Dr. Dale Tuggy

Did the Jews Call Jesus God in John Chapter 5? - by Bill Schlegel

Origination of the Trinity | Session 1 | Joel Hemphill

Origination of the Trinity | Session 2 | Joel Hemphill

The early unitarian Catholic creeds

How the Church Banned the Creed of Jesus

Michael Servetus

The Gospel of John and Jewish Preexistence - Dustin Smith

Is the Trinity Biblical?

Elohim Explained - Hebrew Word for "God" - by Sean Finnegan & J. Dan Gill

The Word Made Flesh from a Biblical Unitarian Perspective

Leaving Islam & Coming Out As A Christian (Introduction Video)